2.2. utils.specutils_cos package

2.2.1. check_segments

utils.specutils_cos.check_segments.check_segments(segments_list, input_file)

Checks that the array of “segments” in the COS spectrum header are expected values. It returns a scalar string representing the band (either “FUV” or “NUV”). If the array is not what’s expected, an Exception is raised.

  • segments_list (list) – List of segment labels.

  • input_file (str) – Name of input FITS file.


str – A string representation of the band, either “FUV” or “NUV”.




This function does not attempt to access the input file, it only requires the name of the file for error reporting purposes.

2.2.2. cosspectrum

class utils.specutils_cos.cosspectrum.COSSegment(nelem=None, wavelengths=None, fluxes=None, fluxerrs=None, dqs=None)

Bases: object

Defines a spectrum from a COS segment. The data (wavelength, flux, flux errors) are stored as numpy ndarrays. A scalar int property provides the number of elements in this segment.

class utils.specutils_cos.cosspectrum.COSSpectrum(optical_element, band=None, cos_segments=None, orig_file=None)

Bases: object

Defines a COS spectrum, including wavelegnth, flux, flux errors, and DQ_WGT values. A COS spectrum consists of N segments (N = {2,3}) stored as a dict object. Each of these dicts contain a COSSegment object that contains the wavelengths, fluxes, flux errors, etc.



2.2.3. extract_subspec

utils.specutils_cos.extract_subspec.extract_subspec(cos_spectrum, segment, min_wl=None, max_wl=None)

Extracts a sub-spectrum of a COS segment’s spectrum. If both min. and max. wavelengths are specified, then it keeps the part of the spectrum within those bounds. If only a min. or max. is specified, then those are treated as lower or upper bounds, and the part of the spectrum redder/bluer than the bound is retained.

  • cos_spectrum (COSSpectrum) – COS spectrum as returned by READSPEC.

  • segment (str) – The segment to do the extraction on.

  • min_wl (float) – The minimum wavlength value to keep. If None, then there will be no lower bound.

  • max_wl (float) – The maximum wavelength value to keep. If None, then there will be no upper bound.

2.2.4. get_segment_names


Returns a list of segment names sorted such that the bluest segment come first.


cos_spectrum (COSSpectrum) – COS spectrum as returned by READSPEC.


list – A list of segment names.

2.2.5. plotspec

utils.specutils_cos.plotspec(cos_spectrum, output_type, output_file, flux_scale_factor, fluxerr_scale_factor, plot_metrics, dpi_val=96.0, output_size=1024, debug=False, full_ylabels=False, stitched_spectrum=None, title_addendum='', optimize=True)

Accepts a COSSpectrum object from the READSPEC function and produces preview plots.

  • cos_spectrum (COSSpectrum) – COS spectrum as returned by READSPEC.

  • output_type (str) – What kind of output to make?

  • output_file (str) – Name of output file (including full path).

  • flux_scale_factor (float) – Max. allowed ratio between the flux and a median flux value, used in edge trimming. Default = 10.

  • fluxerr_scale_factor (float) – Max. allowed ratio between the flux uncertainty and a median flux uncertainty value, used in edge trimming. Default = 5.

  • plot_metrics (list) – Collection of plot metrics (flux statistics, axis ranges, etc.) to use when making the plots. These are computed using utils.specutils.calc_plot_metrics().

  • dpi_val (float) – The DPI value of your device’s monitor. Affects the size of the output plots. Default = 96. (applicable to most modern monitors).

  • output_size – Size of plot in pixels (plots are square in dimensions). Defaults to 1024.

  • output_size – int

  • debug (bool) – Should the output plots include debugging information (color-coded data points based on rejection criteria, shaded exclude regions)? Default = False.

  • full_ylabels (bool) – Should the y-labels contain the full values (including the power of 10 in scientific notation)? Default = False.

  • stitched_spectrum (dict) – The stitched version of the COS spectrum, where each segment has been stitched using utils.specutils.stitch_components(). This is required is making a small (thumb-sized) plot, but not used if making a large-sized plot.

  • title_addendum (str) – A plot title addendum that contains possible warnings (e.g., if all DQ or DQ_WGT flags are defined as bad). This is only used in the case of large-sized COS plots, otherwise this information is included in the stitched spectrum (COS large-sized plots do not use a stitched version of the spectrum).

  • optimize (bool) – If set to True, will use a slightly optimized version of determining the plot covering fraction.



2.2.6. readspec


Reads in a COS spectrum FITS file (x1d, x1dsum, or x1dsum{1,2,3,4}) and returns the wavelengths, fluxes, flux uncertainties, and DQ_WGT values for the two (FUV segments) or three (NUV stripes).


input_file (str) – Name of input FITS file.


COSSpectrum – The spectroscopic data (wavelength, flux, flux error, etc):

